Fungal Infections
Dear Dating Doctor,
Are we more prone to genital fungal infections in Darwin’s tropical climate?
We know too well that skin and nail fungal infections increase as the humidity increases. This is obvious when you walk down the health and beauty aisle at the supermarket and notice all the foot fungal creams sold out in November. So, what’s the go with genital fungal infections for those living in the tropics? While fungal spores live on the skin and parts of the body throughout most of the year, it is the increased moisture and heat that can lead to a higher prevalence in fungal infections. If the conditions on the body are right for fungal growth, then spores will proliferate. Increased sweat and dampness, synthetic clothing and reduced breathability near the groin region could influence genital fungal infections. But … a wise scientist once told me to look at the literature, and so a quick Google Scholar search has revealed 1) a lack of research around this topic (cue Masters degree research question!), and 2) that factors other than climate influence the prevalence of genital fungal infections. So, if you are concerned about the dreaded yeast overgrowth in your hoo-ha or on your ding-dong, then maintain good self-hygiene, avoid the antibiotics, reduce your sugar intake, use condoms during sex, and go sans underwear for maximum air flow and breathability. 😉
Dating Doctor