Jennifer Macdonald - editor-in-chief
Jennifer is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of Flycatcher. She moved from Melbourne to Darwin three years ago to complete her PhD in Indigenous Land and Sea Management and is currently in the joyous ‘write up’ stage. She is passionate about creating a space for people in the Territory to develop their skills and confidence in publishing their work. When she’s not at CDU you can find her alphabetising her book collection, railing against the wet season mould, or being walked by her dog Maru.

Phoebe Robinson - undergraduate editor
Phoebe is an external CDU undergraduate currently studying her Bachelor of Creative Arts and Industries (Communication), specialising in public relations and marketing. She is currently studying from East Gippsland, Victoria. A true Darwin child, she is perplexed by cold rain and unrefrigerated butter. She hopes her fingers don’t fall off in the coming winter as she edits, reads, and writes with the Flycatcher Team.

Jeremy Garnett - community editor
Celebrating his eighth year in Darwin, Jeremy Garnett is a freelance editor, publisher, poet and improvised dancer. An Organiser of the Darwin Fringe Festival, he coordinates volunteers for both it and the Nightcliff Seabreeze Festival, whilst working on a number of other creative projects. His completed endeavours include a self published anthology of local writing and photography, Layers of Creation (2014), and two improvised dance performances, Perplexed Revolution (2015) and The Best Laid Paths (2016). He brings 11 years of customer service experience, editing and database management skills to the Flycatcher team.

Adriana Da Silva - graphic/web designer
Adriana Da Silva is an undergraduate student at Charles Darwin University studying a Bachelor of Arts. Having lived in Darwin for the past 16 years, Adriana brings to the team her graphic design skills. She has gained past experience in the creative field through independent learning and has worked with clients to design content such as event posters, invitations and short videos.

Tegan Jackson - illustrator
Recently completed a Bachelor of Creative Arts and Industry, majoring in visual arts. Her background is in fine arts, namely painting and drawing. In 2012 she received a scholarship to participate in the Dobell drawing program at Sydney National Art School, where she learnt experimental drawing. She then spent time in Melbourne studying fine arts at Deakin Uni before transferring to CDU in 2014. You may recognize her friendly face from her time working at the Museum and Art gallery of the Northern Territory.

Amanda Lilleyman - copy editor
Amanda Lilleyman spends most of her time working on shorebirds in Darwin. She recently started writing a short story for Flycatcher and has previously dabbled in poetry. She prefers to use her red pen in her role as Copy Editor as she is a real stickler for consistencies.

Wendy Taleo – Alice Springs Scout
Wendy Taleo has come on board this edition to scout for talent for Flycatcher among the students and staff at CDU in Alice Springs. If you’re studying or working in Alice and are interested in submitting to Flycatcher, you can see Wendy for inspiration and support. Her details are:
Learnline Developer and Trainer
HE Building, Room 1.07
Alice Springs Campus
T. 8959 5249
We have previously had an industry editor / journalist registered with the Darwin Press Club in the editorial team. Flycatcher plans to invite a member of the Darwin Press Club to be a guest editor each year. This is a great way of connecting CDU students with industry and vice versa.