I know a girl who’s full of life Whose flaws were as bright as summer light And nobody noticed Shiny like a brand new toy So kind and forgiving Who knew what to say But all the while Her smiles grew fake Her laughter was forced to sound so nice So many knew her And lots more loved her One too many To be truly liked Only few got her And not one knew how to help her As bright as she was It was blinding to see her To be bright was a curse But to be dark such a sin Around and around in a circle she goes. This is the life of the girl made of sun Who knew nothing but love But who felt so alone.
Phoebe wrote this poem a while ago during a time when her anxiety was getting the better of her. If you or a friend are worried about your mental health, seek help by talking with someone close to you or contacting a service like Lifeline on 13 11 14. If you're under 25 you can also call Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800.