The sky presses down with The force of an anvil. Heavy with cloud, Absent of rain. A hand of oppression, The yoke we must bear. Till we prickle with salt and sudor. It runs from our foreheads, from the backs of our thighs. Even breathing is an effort with that sky Pressing in. We are tested to breaking point, Forced to our knees, As we wilt and sap and superheat. A biodome of conditions – extreme That would break a lesser man. But we are not lesser We are Darwinites We know it will break. A sky pouring down. Clouds burst. Rain comes heavy. It runs down our foreheads, Passed our smiles of relief, As we stand in its downpour, As we welcome the Wet.
Lynelle Kendall is a Darwin local who writes poems about place and stories for children. Her work has been shortlisted in the NT Literary Awards. She loves the Territory for its unique lifestyle and seasonal extremes. You can find her at