GovHack is an open data hackathon held across Australia over the first weekend in September 2018. If you are passionate about open data and solving civic challenges, this hackathon is for you.
Wendy participated in the first Northern Territory iteration of GovHack (govhack.org) in 2017. This is part of her story. In 2017, the teams in Alice Springs registered nine projects. Teams ranged from two people working together for the first time, to six people in an organised team structure. Wendy’s thinking was consumed and pushed into totally new areas in 46 hours. She used her skills to create a project that could benefit the local community. Her thinking expanded on how to use datasets for research and benefit the community.
Finished projects vie for a range of challenges that are agreed upon with the sponsors for the event (both National and Territory wide). There are local prizes, red carpet awards nights, and a chance to compete for the National titles. What you need in a team is multiple skills – creativity, software design, software programming, writing skills, storyboard writing and a liberal sprinkling of good ideas. Teams are formed at the start of the weekend event.
This year Wendy is in the volunteer position of Deputy Director for Northern Territory Operations. She will be working with the Operations team and Bharani on Darwin campus to host an amazing Darwin and Alice Springs event over the weekend.
Volunteer or Participate https://govhack.org/volunteer
Contact Bharanidharan Shanmugam (08) 89467581 or Wendy Taleo (08) 89595249