The raindrops trace a line down the window I stand behind. The sheer number of droplets creates an almost portrait with the windowpane as the frame. It’s sprinkling, I think, with my palm against the window-glass. There’s a ruffle of curtains behind me and I turn, Catching sight of the window that I had left open. Quickly, quickly, I need to shut it. Click. The window is closed, And the sprinkling raindrops outside start to sprinkle a little faster; A little harder. Now it’s a shower, And the pitter-patter of the droplets are building as a wondrous crescendo To the masterpiece outside that is nature’s symphony. One step… Two step… I tentatively step towards the front door as the shower of raindrops turns my vision white. It’s really beginning to rain hard isn’t it…? I ask nobody in particular. The downpour is deafening now, And somewhere in the distance a crash of thunder accompanies the howl of the wind. Nature’s symphony… The click that signals the unlocking of the front door echoes throughout the house, And then I was stepping out. The wind claws at my hair, It tears at my clothes, While the raindrops relentlessly pelt down upon my skin. I try to speak but my voice is drowned out by the rain, By the wind, By the crash of thunder that now sounds closer than before. Didn’t they say there was a cyclone warning in place? I should go back inside… But the beautiful chaos And the beautiful orchestra of sound has me chained to this wet earth beneath me. A streak of lightning sharply flies through the darkened skies above me as Nature continues its merciless assault on my body. How insignificant I must be amidst all of this wind, thunder and rain. I can’t help but smile. Drown me, Please drown me. Take me away from this place. I lose myself. Isn’t it so beautiful how the seduction of nature’s symphony, Makes one lose themselves?
Julia Gomes is an avid reader and writer, naively hoping for her works to be read by millions. As she is studying a Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science, she believes the course to be a pleasant stepping stone to help fund her big dreams.