Suurimaseelu hungered; Earth’s warmth oh so desired. Danger approaching; intruder unstoppable. The void transcending; a terrestrial craving. Powerful, deadly; for Earth and humanity. First born are wary; humans are unknowing. Suurimaseelu has awoken.
The human organised his field work equipment in preparation for the following day, filling water bottles, checking tape measures, and sorting through data sheets on the verandah. Unaware of any danger or threat. Perhaps he might have noticed the birds were unusually quiet, or that the wind was especially still, but he didn’t. He did notice the sunset. The western sky shone with yellow light. Towering, billowing clouds glowed pink.
Elsewhere, two other beings stood watching the sunset and the clouds. The two elves did notice the approaching danger, as they stood and gazed across the savanna landscape. They stood on an unusual rock formation, above a sandstone cliff, overlooking an ancient river. Long, gossamer-soft cloaks flowed down their bodies, simmering in the last rays of sunset. Tall slender bodies, long silken hair flowed over delicately pointed ears as they gazed with ancient, gentle eyes. Her raven-black hair contrasting with his long silver-blonde hair. They had felt the fading glow of the setting sun for millennia, yet their skin was as smooth and unblemished as that of a human babe. A gaze into her eyes of molten quicksilver promised eternal bliss, a glance into his sparkling iridescent emerald eyes a journey of eternal mystery and wonder. Beautiful perfection.
Yet it was a beauty unnoticed by humans, for their magnificence was too great to gaze upon. Rather, a human glance would slip to the side. A human brain would refuse the image. Perhaps a curious discomfort near their immaculate presence might be noticed, but never their appearance. Their elven senses detected Suurimaseelu as she moved in the distant void. They noted her destination. Danger approached.
They started to sing, ethereal, quickly descending to a low, deep resonance, below human hearing. Their song slowed, its beat lengthened. They sang of water spirits, air spirits, wind spirits, spirits of trees and places, of love and joyful occupancy. They sang through the night. They sang of the nurturing earth. They sang to Suurimaseelu of another place. A place of delicious warmth, seething energy, a place of glorious sustenance fit for Suurimaseelu. A place where Suurimaseelu could feast and cause them no harm.
Early the next morning, the humans started their fieldwork. Over on the distant cliff, elven songs continued through the day. The massive ravenous earth spirit that was ploughing through the dimensions towards Darwin gradually responded to the songs. By mid-afternoon Suurimaseelu had altered its vector and its destination in the physical world. Though still deep within the void and undetectable by physical senses, its ponderous being now headed towards the Tiwi Islands. Gradually it veered still further north.
The human watched as the last group that accompanied him finished their measurements. Another four humans relaxed at the back of the troop carrier, telling stories in its shade. All was good. Soon, the field work would be finished.
Across the clearing, a little wind spirit appeared, playing with the sparsely grassed, low mounds of earth, skipping along, and lazily spinning up dust. Suddenly, it raced towards the car, scattering its occupants as it stung them with sand and leaves. It circled the car, playfully lofting two of the data sheets into the air, juggling the paper. Teasingly, it let one of the sheets of paper slip lower, until it was suspended a bare metre above the ground. As someone leapt for the paper, it rose two metres, four metres, six metres above the person’s head, tumbling in the air. The wind spirit dropped the sheet lower, teasing again, gently moving it away across the ground, barely out of reach. Then, bored with the game, it dropped the sheets of paper. Off it went, lazily spinning in another direction, dancing amid the grass and dirt again. The humans grabbed their hours of work gratefully and returned to relax back at the car.
A freight train rumbled past, except there was neither train nor railway line nearby. The earth shook and vibrated. Startled again, some humans held on to the side of the car. Far to the north, the great earth spirit emerged into the physical realm below the Banda Sea.
Suurimaseelu gorged on the Earth’s heat. She shook herself in pleasure and relief at ending her trek through the void. Delicious warm rock, rather than the frigid immaterial void. She satiated her appetite. Shaking herself as a wet dog might, she enjoyed a moment of bliss. Satisfied, she grew quiet and still, sinking back into the void to slumber again.
The elves sensed the emergence and departure of the earth spirit. Satisfied they had successfully deflected her north, they ceased their song, for the danger had passed. They shared a smile. After millennia together, no words were needed.
Humans and elves alike, enjoyed another sunset and relaxed. And somewhere in the savanna, a little wind spirit played with leaves, kicked up dust, and teased scolding birds.
Sean Bellairs loves investigating science fiction and fantasy worlds when not exploring the world of plants.