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The creature watches as the old woman squats on the muddy bank, Her thin hand trailing gently over the water’s surface. It’s been two sunsets now. “This woman, she knows I’m here, She knows I watch…and yet, she has no fear.” The cool breeze brushes the woman’s skin. She stops - and stares into the green water, Fingering the shape close to her heart, Its edges soft, intricate etching blurred from Years of reassuring presence. She raises her head and looks into the smoky haze Of a dry season sunset, Pink blends to grey. “Will he come tonight?” Everything is in order. The rough shelter is home for now. A tiny hand-built table - A perfectly square envelope, Woolly-butt flower - and a river stone, Placed with care. A low stretcher, Soft blanket folded neatly at the foot. One pillow, its worn linen case And delicate embroidery intact, Holds the hopes and tears of a lifetime. The warm smell of wood smoke on the air. Last days should be simple. Her final gift is for the creature. She wearily raises her aching body And turns for bed. The creature watches, Waits until her eyes close, The gentle rise and fall of her chest under the blanket. Slowly, stealthily, it moves towards her… Pauses, Then turns - and heads for the river. It slides its massive form Down the muddy bank - And with a swish, disappears into the dark water. Not tonight, Not tomorrow, Not ever. The treaty flows both ways.

Helen Pereira is a broadcast journalist, but off duty, an emerging writer living in Darwin.

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