In the laboratory of mind, mixing the elixirs of the mountains, the lakes, the eternal breath of fire into the bowels of beingness. Starting with the sunshine of the crystal caves' prisms of the meaning of life; and throughout the writings of old times find the door key to crystallize all together; seeking the opening to future shores. In the caves of crystals given all light and all night to see more colours flourish, mixing brews of mind with the old truths as free as their golden hand-shakes, we, the alchemists of time beacon all together our destiny. With earth now the best or the beast without the head of man, the indescribable will be scribed and the beast freed. Going forward sees all seasons change and the earth created anew. Every man, woman and child created of their capacity to see their own alchemy, will create more alchemy for visits in their own right of mind. These are the truth times and as we go of these passages of many mind-truths in books read and scriptures told, forget not our efforts to give our importance of mind the light of going forward as the truth is in our heart; to give the oldest entities of all tested time the many truths, as the mortal caress of our own knots to free will echo many truths to give; and go with our eastern rhythm capacity or troth not to free chemists, or the oldest alchemist in having prisms create and prisms go forward to light all caves.
This is Lexene Burns' first submission of her poetry anywhere. She has been a resident of NT for 29 years and began writing after retiring from the CBA in 2012. This poem was written last month as Lexene flew home on a flight, after cataract surgery on both eyes. The word alchemy caught her attention as she read the in-flight magazine and started the flow of words.