In the top end of the territory
green foliage hurts my eyes
I watch the sun
slip under Timor Sea
marking another cycle of time
Sound and smell of waves
reminds me of crashing surf
of childhood memories
on Southern Ocean
peaceful echo within
I return to the Centre
I love the feeling of distance
nothingness, desert, space –
whatever you want to call it
that is just beyond the edge of town
rather than oppressing me
it blooms like desert rose
planted on earthly stage
a negative impression of
the ocean floor that surrounds
this continent
Flying south
relieves the dense humidity
I step out onto the tarmac
warm, dry air fills my lungs
mind's-eye etched with desert images
captured from cruising altitude
vast landscape in colours I can't describe
it breaks language barriers
this land is on loan
as my home
for now
Wendy Taleo is a learning technologist based at the Alice Springs CDU campus working in the Office of Learning and Teaching in the Learnline team (seems to be a lot of learn in that!) She has recently embarked on her post graduate study of open and distance education. Connect with her via @wentale in the Twitter sphere.